We call them "tones that move bones!" I've trained with Rebecca Goff,
the cetacean whisperer and founder of aquacranial therapy, and she says
the dolphins have taught her much about doing cranialsacral therapy in
the water and also about the sounds needed to assist.
B is for the Crown Chakra at the top of the head. Correlates with a
parietal lift.
A is the frontal bone on the forehead. A# is for the pituitary.
D is for the Sacrum.
G equivalates to the hyoid bone. G# to the occiput & mandible.
F is the heart; F# the thymus.
C# is the sexual centers.
www.crystalsingingbowls.com has the bowls everyone is using for this
type of work. I'm a distributor for them - and would be glad to work
with you on your selections. You can find me through the "contact"
section of my www.animarising.com website on hemi-sync and the like. i
really don't do as much with the crystal singing bowls and haven't put
them on my site yet, but anything you see online, I can get for you as
well as offering you my experience in using these tools with clients.
Kathryn www.AnimaRising.com