Massage my wife
(too old to reply)
John Smith
2007-04-20 21:07:39 UTC

Looking for a man to massage my wife while I watch, must be naturist and be
prepared to turn her on, I might join in or just watch

LG & C
Kraft Fan!
2007-04-22 02:06:01 UTC
Where? If you're near Little Rock, look up Kenneth
"Massage Man 4 Ladies" Kraft -- he gives free massages
(mostly sensual) to ladies. And he can give you plenty
of free cancer info links. Can't beat that!
Post by John Smith
Looking for a man to massage my wife while I watch, must
be naturist and be prepared to turn her on, I might join
in or just watch
LG & C
2007-04-22 05:42:41 UTC
Post by Kraft Fan!
Post by John Smith
Looking for a man to massage my wife while I watch, must
be naturist and be prepared to turn her on, I might join
in or just watch
Where? If you're near Little Rock, look up Kenneth
"Massage Man 4 Ladies" Kraft -- he gives free massages
(mostly sensual) to ladies. And he can give you plenty
of free cancer info links. Can't beat that!
Is that you Ken?

Kraft Fan!
2007-04-23 13:59:21 UTC
Post by suzee
Is that you Ken?
No, I'm just a big fan! How can you beat his deal? Come
on -- a free massage (mostly sensual) AND several web
pages full of cancer info links?? Beats Google, that's
for sure. Wow!
Michael B
2007-05-17 03:41:42 UTC
Ya know, I find it very sensual to cut a fairly thick slice of Spam
and cook it till it's delicately seared on my Foreman Grill, and then
sprinkle some Tobasco Pepper Sauce, with maybe a slices of onion
and pickle slices.
Isn't Spam an excellent product that pretends to be a food?

On Apr 23, 9:59 am, "Kraft Fan!"
Post by Kraft Fan!
Post by suzee
Is that you Ken?
No, I'm just a big fan! How can you beat his deal? Come
on -- a free massage (mostly sensual) AND several web
pages full of cancer info links?? Beats Google, that's
for sure. Wow!